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Welcome to my First preview of my new invention


The Simulation Pod

Patent pending

With The Simulation Pod I plan to replace the way we experience Virtual Reality. V.R. goggles will become obsolete overnight. Last year alone 97 million users played V.R. based games. And 93 million of those were using V.R. headsets. The way I see it, that market will belong to me now... Who wants to join me in bringing this to reality?   My Slogan for The Simulation Pod is "From fantasy to reality", because I plan to first integrate All platforms' games available. first the PC games. Flight Sims,ie f-16 fighting falcon, F-15 eagle, Ah-64 Apache and longbow. these were the flight simulators put out by the company "Janes" and the most realistic. Next, I will incorporate All the major gaming platforms, X-Box, PlayStation and any other platform that might arise in the future. Next, I would like to introduce "shared experiences" as an entertainment option. For instance, Bob is snorkeling above the Grat Barrier Reef and it's beautiful but he's there by himself and no one else will ever see the beauty that he's experiencing...until now. What if we could install an array of cameras, 5 camera's in all, one for each view. Then Bob could share his experience with a live feed set up or to be recorded for later viewing. Then anybody with an experience can record it and provide it to the Simulation pod for a fee. 

These above-mentioned Ideas are Just from the Fantasy side of "The Simulation Pod" list.   

Next, we will discuss the "Reality" portion of "The Simulation Pod".


In phase one we are connecting to computer driven media. Computer games, P.C. and all major gaming platforms are included in phase one.


In phase two I plan to connect our Simulation Pod to military pilots and drone operators. With communication technology of today I believe that an actual pilot, piloting the plane remotely can have a huge advantage over actual "Manned" aircraft. Today our technology has surpassed man's endurance. Man is the weak link. planes of today can pull "G-force's" in excess of man's endurance. (a man can black out in excess of 9 to 10 G's where the planes' structure will let it pull "G's" far beyond the ability of the pilot to withstand them.)  What if we placed an actual Pilot at the controls of a fighter plane, REMOTLY. I believe that plane, piloted remotely will beat an identical plane that is Maned instead of un maned. Think of NOT having to risk our pilots on dangerous missions when a drone will do the job?


Next, I want you think of what The Simulation Pod could do when connected to some type of communication device... WIFI, internet, Voice over IP and phone lines. think about a NEW way to attend concerts and sporting events. don't they have drones now in the NFL that hover over the football field for close up views? have you seen those? at this time I need to introduce The Sim Cam Array". The Array will have 5 Sim Cams, one cam corresponding with one dedicated view. Top, front, rear, right and left. those 5 cam views will feed directly into the 5 TV screens you have at home're at the football game. and Not on the sidelines. you are hovering over the quarterback. seeing what the Football players see. Simpod Football games. If you send the Sim Cam Array to local Concerts, the Array will feed directly to your Simulation Pod and now from your living room.... you're at the concert.


My next installment will require 2-way communications. Ok here's the situation. today is the great family reunion and picnic. But Grandmother can't be there because she's not feeling well. This will require TWO separate Simulation Pods. The first one will be surrounding grandmother. The second unit will be at the picnic. on this unit the 5 tv screens will be turned around and facing outward. Both units<Simulation Pod s will have my Sim Cams added to all 5 views. So, on unit 1, Grandmothers unit, the sim cams will be facing her and the image from those 5 views will be broadcast to simulation Pod #2 at the picnic. Now, at the picnic the 5 TV screens are facing outward, so now everyone can see grandmother. Simulation Pod #2 will also have the 5 sim cams facing outward so now Grandmother can see everything that's going on. Add a phone line for communications and you have a secure 2-way communications device. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?


Phase two: Reality

What's wrong with V.R.?

V.R. has a huge flaw. To view the world in which you are supposed to be immersed you must first look thru these two little holes (in the headset) to view the world you're in. And to actually view the world you must turn your head from side to side to get a glimpse of the entire world.


In actuality, human beings have something called Peripheral vision, which let's us see to about 90degs to our right and left. 180degs from ear to ear. Now, the vision out to both sides is not focused but kind of blurry. It's just there to register movement. to get our attention so we can then turn to face the movement for evaluation.


See, we don't go through life looking at our world through two little holes. As we go through life, we are immersed in a 360deg landscape that moves as we move. If we are going in between two trees we see one tree to the right and one to the left, we expect to see them pass us on both sides as we keep walking. and we are not alarmed when he trees do in fact pass us on both sides. Why? because that's what we expect to happen.


There is no way to portray the majesty of our beautiful, complicated world, through two little holes. How many decades have we had and over that period of time, they just keep polishing off and re-introducing the same old V.R.goggles. Obsolete from the day they were made.   


Oh, we must replace them now!!


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My name is Frederik Charles Ward. I am a 63 year old Great Grandfather and The Simulation Pod has been on my mind for 25 years. Monetary restraints have kept my vision silent until recently. I've Always been a Gamer and wanted to fly the military's flight simulators. Just didn't want join the military to just to use their flight sim. So my journey began. I was around for the first PC, Cell phone and technology has evolved enough for us to implement my dream.......finally. 


Experience the Future

Welcome to The Simulation Pod, where we bring the future to your fingertips. Immerse yourself in cutting-edge simulations and technologies that transport you to new dimensions. Our mission is to provide unparalleled experiences that blend entertainment and innovation, offering a gateway to a world of limitless possibilities.

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In the medical field there's something called a Cardiac Cathertization where they snake a Camera inside the veins of the patient to take photos and verify damages before surgery. What If we could place the "The Sim cam array" on the end of that catheter and then broadcast to The Simulation Pod. We could actually BE INSIDE if the vein, where any damage should be "EASIER" to see. THAT WOULD BE COOL!!!!

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